Having a craving can be a good thing. Although, I suppose it depends on what it is we crave. To crave, strictly defined, is to feel a powerful desire for something. The list is long and can become very personal and intimate.
When our cravings encounter the object of their desire, there is a moment of fulfillment. Yet, satisfaction is short-lived and fleeting.
Both our physical and emotional desires are relatively uncomplicated, strait forward. Making a list and checking it twice becomes second nature. What's a bit more complex is discerning what comprises our spiritual appetite.
Anticipating Christmas can be a curious thing. There is perhaps no "time of year" encrusted with such a wide variety of expectations. Close to the root of these expectations are the kernels of our deepest cravings. If we can peel back the layers of desires and longings we have, we may encounter the restlessness that longs for peace.
Saint Augustine of Hippo is well known for having written the following:
"Our Hearts are Restless Until They Rest in You"
From the Confessions, Saint Augustine of Hippo
Especially in the midst of the business of this week ahead, I would like to invite you to hit the pause button on a regular basis and take the time to contemplate. Engage in a bit of self-examination to discern your deeper longing. Consider the possibility (probability) that this longing is a gift. Consider that you are not the only one longing. Christ is longing for you. Christ is waiting for your Advent because the incarnation comes to fulfillment in the Body of Christ which includes you. You are necessary. God has a purpose for you.
Here is a list and description of the worship services scheduled for the week ahead. Avail yourself of these opportunities to gather in prayer and worship to be encountered by Christ in the Means of Grace and one another.
Fourth Sunday of Advent
December 18, 2016
Christmas Breakfast at 8:45 a.m. in Fellowship Hall
10:00 AM Holy Communion
Wednesday, December 21, 2016
11:00 AM Blue Christmas Service
This a time and place of solace during the often frenetic days surrounding the celebration of Christmas. We come together seeking healing and room to share grief, sadness, loneliness, or confusion when these emotions often feel out of place during the holidays.
7:00 PM Hanging of the Greens
A Hands-on time of prayer and blessing
Christmas Eve
Saturday, December 24, 2016
7:00 PM Candlelight Christmas with a twist
Christmas Day
Sunday, December 25, 2016
10:00 AM Holy Communion