Wednesday, November 23, 2022


November 22, 2022

Dear Family and Friends of St. Luke,

As you anticipate observing our national day of Thanksgiving on Thursday, there are likely traditions and practices for which you prepare. Something I like to do is compile a gratitude list. The more attention I devote to this list, the less I feel it necessary to assemble another list — a  list of complaints and grievances about things that are out of my direct control (and that is most things!).  

Reflecting on the life of our congregation, I give thanks for the many hands and hearts that are committed to serving and simply doing the things that need doing.  Just the other evening when I arrived at the church, I encountered a team of folks assembling our new photo directories for distribution on Sunday. Others were setting up a Christmas tree in the gathering area for the Advent Good Giving ministry. Down the hall, others were gathering to continue work on developing the proposed 2023 Spending Plan/Budget. In the library, a newly appointed task force was preparing to discuss our memorial gift policy and begin work on revising the memorial garden/collumbarium brochure and guidelines.

I don’t mean to paint a picture that depicts busyness as being the ideal. What that brief snapshot into the life of our congregation outside of Sunday morning helped me to recognize is how faithful the stewardship of time and talent is within the church. For that, I am thankful.

And more than that, in all those activities was a committment to the ministry and outreach that is enabled and supported by all that work. We clearly don’t exist for ourselves, but in order to be a blessing to others.  For that, God is thankful!

Now, you know much is happening this week.  Tomorrow evening, Thanksgiving Eve, the Conococheague Mission Cooperative is having a Thanksgiving Worship Service at Calvary United Methodist Church in Fayetteville. Just two days after Thanksgiving, there is an Advent Retreat on Saturday morning featuring a presentation by Sister Thelma of the Tau Hermitage. On Sunday morning, the First Sunday of Advent, we begin a new liturgical year and a season of preparation for the coming of Christ. On Sunday evening, our annual Begin the Blessed Season gathering will be held in the fellowship hall.  

I hope you are able and willing to participate in these events and gatherings as we begin a new year together. You will be blessed in order that we may continue to be a blessing to others.

Again, thank you for your ongoing support of and engagement in the ministry we share. It continues to be my great pleasure to serve as your pastor. I ask for your prayers for me and for one another as we continue the good work to which God calls us.

In Christ’s love for you,

Pastor Christopher Frye

Monday, August 1, 2022

Mutual Ministry

Dear Family and Friends of St. Luke,

+ Grace and Peace to you.

In anticipation of the months ahead, may we all take a moment to consider two possibilities? The first is a more intentional mutual ministry with one another in this congregation? If we are waiting for things to get back to the way they were before Covid, we are setting ourselves up for disappointment. I realize we live in a difficult time. There is much uncertainty and understandable anxiety. Yet, because we are the church, we are the Body of Christ that lives in the power of Resurrection. We are given new life! It is time to rise up!

Secondly, may we also open ourselves to the Holy Spirit and the opportunity of continuing collaboration with our friends and the family of faith of St. Paul Evangelical Lutheran Church in Fayetteville?  

Historically and recently, our congregations have worked together as good neighbors and faith communities entrusted with the care of shared territory and people. Cooperation is so much more befitting to the Body of Christ than competition. As has been previously reported, in the last year or so, significant attention has been given to working together and considering ways in which we might collaborate more effectively in the years ahead. It’s time to continue this conversation in a broader and more intentional way.

Toward that end, the church councils of both St. Paul and St. Luke have met together for an informal social time over breakfast. Together the councils have decided to plan a picnic and time of combined worship.  On Saturday evening, September 10, we are all invited and encouraged to gather together in the Outreach Center of St. Paul in Fayetteville for a picnic and conversation followed by Vespers.

The vitality and sustainability of both congregations would benefit from some sort of ongoing collaboration and intentional organization. Most importantly, our shared witness to the gospel of Jesus Christ in this community would be a step closer to the oneness for which Christ prayed. I believe we are all being called to a renewed openness and willingness. Let us explore together avenues of faithfulness. The only thing that may stand in the way is pride.

May we continue to hold one another and the community we serve in prayer, that God’s grace would continue to give life, boldness, and hope to the Church and its ministry in the world that God so loves.

In Christ’s love for you,

Pastor Christopher Frye

Monday, April 4, 2022

Holy Week 2022

 Dear Family and Friends of St. Luke,

+  Grace and Peace to you.

With so much beyond our ability to control, it should come as no surprise that we are frequently overwhelmed. The rate of change in our world is quickening, and the consequences of our behavior seem to grow in both seriousness and severity. You may wonder what are we to do? I suggest that we take the opportunity that the next several weeks present to ground ourselves in the central story of God’s victory in Christ over sin, death, and the devil. Read on.

Sunday, April 10 is Sunday of the Passion/Palm Sunday. At 10:00 AM we will gather for worship in the midst of shouts of Hosanna! and Crucify Him! At the beginning of the week we call Holy, this Sunday prepares us for the days ahead as we experience the dissonance of which we are capable in our lives of Christian discipleship.  

Thursday, April 14 is Maundy Thursday.  Our Lenten observance comes to an end as we will gather for worship this evening at 7:00 PM with Christians around the world to begin the celebration of the Three Days of Jesus’ death and resurrection. This night we remember Christ’s last meal with his disciples, but the central focus is his commandment (Mandate, Mandatum) that we live out the promise embodied in this meal. As Jesus washed his disciples’ feet, so we are called to give and receive love in humble service to one another. Departing worship in solemn silence, we anticipate the coming days.

Friday, April 15 is Good Friday. At 12:00 Noon there will be a service called The Way of the Cross.  Our Good Friday Liturgy (Tenebrae Service) will be at 7:00 PM.

Sunday, April 17 is The Resurrection of Our Lord/Easter Sunday. Our Festival Service of Worship and Praise will be held at 10:00 AM. This year we will welcome an ensemble of musicians from the Cumberland Valley School of Music. They will offer special music as well as robust accompaniment to our singing of hymns.

I’m looking forward to the days ahead with you. Please take advantage of this occasion to invite someone to come to worship with you. For healing, for hope, for a home in turbulent times, what better place to be than in the midst of the Body of Christ?

In Christ’s love for you,

Pastor Frye


I am deeply grateful for the thoughtful, caring, and generous gift presented to me on the occasion of my 25th ordination anniversary.  While I am aware that our bishop notifies the congregation of these milestones, I had originally requested that no fuss be made on my account. However, it occured to me that the celebration is equally yours as it signifies the healing, vitality, and faithfulness of this congregation in being a good partner in ministry.  May God continue to bless our sharing in the Gospel. On behalf of Heidi and myself, THANK YOU!