Saturday, April 24, 2021



Do you have routines in your life?  Are there activities or interests that you schedule on a regular basis?

Sometime during the season of Lent I added a new activity to my weekly schedule. On Thursday mornings at 8:00 I meet with about twelve to sixteen other people (mostly pastors and ministry leaders from Chambersburg area churches). I’m the only Lutheran. We get together for what is called a Prayer Walk.  Each month we meet in the parking lot of an area church, take some time to check-in with one another and pray together. Then we walk the neighborhood and pray for and sometimes with the residents we encounter.

It occurred to me that we all come from various perspectives and traditions. We don’t focus on doctrine or the theology of worship or denominational branding. We gather as friends in Christ and pray for one another and the communities we are called to serve. 

I’m telling you this, not to solicit merits, but to witness to the basic, simple, and fundamental power of prayer.  Our whole time together is bathed in prayer -- prayers of praise, lament, intercession, petition, gratitude, discernment, etc.  We all pray a little differently. Some are silent, many involve arms uplifted or heads bowed. This weekly gathering has become part of my routine. It’s not just one more activity to check off my weekly list, but rather it has become a central and much anticipated part of my own devotional life.  Honestly, I can’t imagine not being part of this small group of friends sharing life together.

As we all anticipate slowing resuming some sort of less secluded life, I invite you to consider becoming part of a small group. Consider hosting a small group gathering at your home or in your driveway. Join a group that already exists and invite your friends or our new members or someone else in your life to join you. We all would benefit from making routine the central act of prayer and being blessed by the love and support of friendship with one another and fellowship with Jesus. 

Wednesday, March 24, 2021

Letter to Family and Friends of St. Luke

 Dear Family and Friends of St. Luke,

+ Grace and Peace

We have had a difficult year in so many ways. You know how it has been. Quarantined, restricted, limited — everyone has had challenges living in the midst of the pandemic of Covid-19. We have experienced collective grief as we’ve mourned the death of loved ones and as we’ve had to let go of many routines and familiar practices. Certainly this has had an impact on our life-together as a congregation as well. 

However, I just want to rejoice at the ways God has revealed strength, purpose, and grace in so many and unexpected circumstances. You have surpassed expectations in the ways in which you cooperated, contributed, and conspired to let your light shine even in the midst of a dark time. It is a joy to be your pastor and partner in the ministry and mission we share. Thank you for your thoughtfulness and faithfulness this past year!

Looking ahead, we anticipate slowly being able to resume many of our activities and ministries. The days are surely coming! But, as Dr. Fauci says, it’s no time to spike the ball in the end-zone.  Re-engaging will be a process and we will be unable to “return” to normal. Our faith is necessary. The future that God is preparing for us will call on our best efforts to practice patience, acceptance, and willingness to do things differently in many respects.

While much has changed, both dramatically and by degree, please know that the basic things, the central things, the essential things will remain constant. We will continue to be a people sealed by the Holy Spirit and marked with the cross of Christ forever. We will continue to gather together around Word and Sacrament to worship and glorify God, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. We will continue to be a supportive and giving community of faith — intentionally welcoming others and speaking out because of God’s justice and mercy. 

The return to a newsletter is part of an ongoing strategy to strengthen communication and call forth for the engagement and participation of each and every member and friend of our congregation. Please continue to know that the love of Christ that binds us together is the same love that sends us out to serve our neighbor in Christ’s name.  Again, thank you for your partnership in this mutual ministry.

Yours in Christ,

Pastor Frye