Monday, August 1, 2022

Mutual Ministry

Dear Family and Friends of St. Luke,

+ Grace and Peace to you.

In anticipation of the months ahead, may we all take a moment to consider two possibilities? The first is a more intentional mutual ministry with one another in this congregation? If we are waiting for things to get back to the way they were before Covid, we are setting ourselves up for disappointment. I realize we live in a difficult time. There is much uncertainty and understandable anxiety. Yet, because we are the church, we are the Body of Christ that lives in the power of Resurrection. We are given new life! It is time to rise up!

Secondly, may we also open ourselves to the Holy Spirit and the opportunity of continuing collaboration with our friends and the family of faith of St. Paul Evangelical Lutheran Church in Fayetteville?  

Historically and recently, our congregations have worked together as good neighbors and faith communities entrusted with the care of shared territory and people. Cooperation is so much more befitting to the Body of Christ than competition. As has been previously reported, in the last year or so, significant attention has been given to working together and considering ways in which we might collaborate more effectively in the years ahead. It’s time to continue this conversation in a broader and more intentional way.

Toward that end, the church councils of both St. Paul and St. Luke have met together for an informal social time over breakfast. Together the councils have decided to plan a picnic and time of combined worship.  On Saturday evening, September 10, we are all invited and encouraged to gather together in the Outreach Center of St. Paul in Fayetteville for a picnic and conversation followed by Vespers.

The vitality and sustainability of both congregations would benefit from some sort of ongoing collaboration and intentional organization. Most importantly, our shared witness to the gospel of Jesus Christ in this community would be a step closer to the oneness for which Christ prayed. I believe we are all being called to a renewed openness and willingness. Let us explore together avenues of faithfulness. The only thing that may stand in the way is pride.

May we continue to hold one another and the community we serve in prayer, that God’s grace would continue to give life, boldness, and hope to the Church and its ministry in the world that God so loves.

In Christ’s love for you,

Pastor Christopher Frye