Thursday, January 16, 2014

Take a Walk

I went for a walk last evening after supper.  Before I left, my daughter Isabelle loaded some new music on my iPod so I would have something other than “boring” pod casts to listen to as I made my way. It was a good evening to be outside. It felt like Spring even though it was in the mid-thirties. Our new-year polar vortex re-calibrated my thermostat.

In years past I was an avid walker.  Other than yard work and occasional bursts of gym-going, intentional walking was my primary form of exercise. Recently I have felt the need to shed a bit of the holiday cookie ballast that clings so closely. So, yesterday, I decided to go for a walk. 

As it turns out, I walked to Target, stopped by the Starbucks cafe for a decaf cappuccino. I sat there and observed . . . . then noticed a group of eight women who had gathered at one end of the cafe for what turned out to be either a Bible study or book discussion. They greeted one another with hugs, laughter, and warm conversation. I quickly deduced that these fellow coffee connoisseurs were actually clandestine Christians! I wanted to join them in their fellowship. 

It occurred to me later that had these women held their book discussion in the confines and privacy of a church building, I would have never noticed their contagious, attractive and Spirit-filled fellowship (mission). 

The point of sharing this story is to say that sometimes seeing God at work in the world takes intentionality. (I’m grateful that these women let their light shine in the growing darkness of this January evening.) For sure God is at work in our midst when we gather on Sunday mornings around Word and Sacrament. However, God is not on hiatus the rest of the time. Nor should we be undetectable as God’s ambassadors for Christ.

I encourage you to take a walk sometime and see what you can see. Where is God at work in the world around you? Where do you see Jesus in others? How can you be about such a witness that reveals the contagious, attractive, and Spirit-filled light of Christ? How could we do this together as the Body of Christ?

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Prayers needed!
This Saturday morning there will be a "Leadership Retreat" at St. Luke Lutheran Church for council members, other leaders, and any interested inquirer. The purpose of this retreat is to consider our mission as the people of God in this time and place. We'll review some trends, engage in some scripture study, pray, and join in conversation. Please keep this gathering in your prayers!  And, if you would like, come and join us.  The plan is to gather together at 9:00 AM and to disperse no later than 1:00 PM.

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Second Sunday after Epiphany
January 19, 2014

Prayer of the Day
Holy God, our strength and our redeemer, 
by your Spirit hold us forever, 
that through your grace we may worship you 
and faithfully serve you, follow you and joyfully find you, 
through Jesus Christ, our Savior and Lord.  Amen

Isaiah 49:1-7
Psalm 40:1-11
1 Corinthians 1:1-9
John 1:29-42

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